
Wooster Christian School has several Pre-Kindergarten options to meet the needs of your family and help prepare your child for success in school.  We aim to foster growth in our students academically, socially, physically, and spiritually.  

Our state-licensed academic programs for 3, 4, and 5-year-olds follow the content standards set up by the State of Ohio for math, language, science, and social studies.  Through plenty of one-on-one attention coupled with fun group activities, our students learn the age-appropriate cognitive skills they will need to do well in kindergarten and beyond.  Students receive individualized attention tailored to their specific levels of learning and plenty of opportunities to be curious, energetic, and explore the world around them.

Our Christian teachers do more than just teach - they genuinely love their students, gently encouraging them to reach their full potential.  Bible lessons and prayer teach students about God's Word and His deep love for them.  They assist in the development of good manners and a clear sense of right and wrong, values that are essential in developing their character.  

Please let us know how we can help you choose the class that is right for your child!

Pre-Kindergarten at Wooster Christian School
2-Day Pre-Kindergarten

Ages: 3 to 4 (Must turn 3 by August 1st).

Days and Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00 am - 11:30 am

Locations: Church of the Saviour and Grace Church

Concepts in this class are introduced through various experiences, hands-on activities, and lots of play. Objectives include, but are not limited to, developing fine and gross motor skills, recognizing and spelling first names, introduction to letters and sounds, counting and math concepts, developing social skills, and classroom etiquette.  Students will explore concepts with all their senses through experiments, art projects, sensory tables, and many other hands-on activities.  Our Biblical worldview is seamlessly woven into the school day through prayer, Bible lessons, and presenting content with God's Word in mind.  Classes are taught by certified teachers, and a classroom aide is present at all times.  To learn more about tuition rates, please visit our Tuition and Financial Aid page.

3-Day Pre-Kindergarten

Ages: 4 to 5 (Must turn 4 by August 1st).

Days and Times: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 9:00 am - 11:30 am

Locations: Church of the Saviour and Grace Church

Our 3-Day program is designed with Kindergarten readiness as a main objective.  Students practice forming their letters in addition to continuing emphasis on character recognition and letter sounds. Fine and gross motor skills, social skills, classroom etiquette, counting and math skills, and other age appropriate concepts are all part of the curriculum.  Concepts in this class are introduced through various experiences, hands-on activities, and lots of play.  Students will explore concepts with all their senses through experiments, art projects, sensory tables, and many other hands-on activities.  Our Biblical worldview is seamlessly woven into the school day through prayer, Bible lessons, and presenting content with God's Word in mind.  Classes are taught by certified teachers, and a classroom aide is present at all times.  To learn more about tuition rates, please visit our Tuition and Financial Aid page.

Junior Kindergarten

Ages: 4 to 5 (Must turn 4 by August 1st).

Days and Times:  Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Location:  Church of the Saviour

Our Junior Kindergarten program is designed as a stepping stone between Pre-K and Kindergarten.  It is perfect for 4 and 5-year-olds who need a more challenging curriculum, but are not yet ready for Kindergarten.  This class meets five days a week from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.  A modified Kindergarten curriculum is used.  While the classroom atmosphere is similar to Kindergarten with seat work, more accountability, and a more structured schedule, we still allow these younger students plenty of play time as part of their learning experience.  This robust program includes weekly attendance of music class, art class, gym, library, and computer lab.

We invite you to come for a visit!

The best way to understand what makes Pre-K at WCS so special is to witness our classroom dynamic firsthand. Schedule a Tour for you and your student today!