


In the Bible, the psalmist declares “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!” (Psalm 150:6) In keeping with this verse, the goal of the music program at WCS is to develop students’ God-given musical talents so that they can use those gifts to worship Him.

Elementary music students participate in our "Cognitive Enhancing Music Education" program which provides each student with basic keyboard and note reading skills.  Research proves that piano instruction increases other cognitive functions.  Students are also do a lot of singing and movement, learn about composers, and study the instruments of the orchestra.

In middle school, students have the opportunity to participate in instrumental music (band) or vocal music (choir). Students may also elect to participate in both ensembles. While the classes are performance based, emphasis is placed in both band and choir on learning the fundamentals of music. While rehearsing and performing a variety of musical styles, we seek to bring glory to God in all that we do.

Throughout the year, students have a chance to perform for events such as school concerts, Grandparents' Day, Fine Arts Night, and the music festival. Each year, we also make it a goal to expose students to musical performance. In the past, students have gone to a college campus and spent the day with the university marching band. We also have hosted a variety of musical performances at the school.

At WCS, we believe that music is an integral part of every person’s life and we have chosen to make it an emphasis in each child’s education. Just as the Psalmist believed that every living thing could worship their creator, we, too, believe that each child can learn to make and enjoy music to the glory of God.

Wooster Christian School art program

Because God is the Creator and our students are made in His image, we celebrate the creativity God placed within each of them.  The art program at Wooster Christian School is built on the belief that artistic talents can and should be used to worship and bring glory to God.  Students in Junior Kindergarten through eighth grade have art classes one or more days every week.  These content-rich lessons explore art technique, theory, and history through a Christian artist's perspective.  Through engaging themed units, students are given the opportunity to create meaningful pieces.  The curriculum includes painting, sketching, mixed media art, pottery, textiles, and introductions to many other media.  

Additional opportunities exist for students who have a passion for the visual arts.  Elementary and Middle School Art Clubs meet after school, and art worship opportunities are given throughout the year.  Artists can also showcase their talents by helping create the set for our musical theater production.

wooster christian school technology

Technology serves an increasingly important role in education.  We want to make sure our students are equipped with tools that enhance learning, skills that prepare them for high school and beyond, and knowledge about using the internet safely. 


Students in 3rd-5th grade learn Keyboarding, and additional tech skills are integrated into other areas of instruction.


Due to the ever-changing nature of technology, our collection of tech tools and devices is constantly being updated.  Our classrooms are equipped with SmartBoards, Chromebooks, and computers.  Other devices such as iPads and video cameras are also available to our teachers.  

Wooster Christian School Physical Education
Physical Education

Physical activity is crucial for developing strong bodies and minds.  Our P.E. classes at WCS are filled with fun games and activities to get the heart pumping.  Due to the competitive nature of games and sports, P.E. is a perfect time to instruct students on how to win and lose with grace and Christ-like behavior.

Our P.E. Core Values are:

1. Honor God.  (1 Cor. 6:20)

2. Give your best effort. (Col. 3:25)

3. Share and Care. (Mark 12:31, John 15:12)

4. Play Fair. (Rom. 12:17)